Reveal to Heal is the motto and theme of Global Women’s Empowerment Network and the TELL US YOUR STORY campaign.
We get to dive deep into our past story, have the courage to reveal the story, and then the bravery to heal through our story.
Reveal to Heal is part of the following programs, to offer opportunities for us to share our stories in a safe environment:
- GWEN Talks Radio: Every Wednesday is #GWENsday to reveal and heal from the stories that have trapped us in the past. Listen to past episodes beginning on October 11th (International Day of the Girl) Tell us what you want to talk about!
- GWEN Books: Anthology book series launching Summer 2018 Tell Us Your Story to REVEAL TO HEAL
- REVEAL TO HEAL Curriculum and Workshops developed by education experts that will create a safe place to share your story through an 8-week course. Online courses Fall 2018.REVEAL TO HEAL Curriculum and Workshops Partners and Team:
- Tess Cacciatore
- Charity McCrary
- Mary Ann Collins
- Fonda Whitehead
- Howard McCrary