We are seeking to raise $15,000 for V2 of the GWEN Alert. These donations can be used for Q-4 donations. A receipt for your donation will be sent to you, along with the identifying 501c3 information for your tax records.
GWEN Alert
2012 Global Women’s Empowerment Network developed a free safety app for smartphones to protect people while providing them with a communication and GPS device to keep in touch with their loved ones.
2012 won MOBILE EXCELLENCE AWARD “Best Mobile Social Awareness”
The GWEN Alert was downloaded all over the world and was used in metropolitan cities, to deep in the bush in Ghana, West Africa by Tess Cacciatore. Connect to your GWEN 5 which are the 5 most trusted people in your network. Simple set-up!
2017 we are reaching out for Q-4 donations to develop the V.2 of the GWEN Alert, where video capabilities provide additional safety and tracking for individuals who might be followed, tracked, trapped in extraneous circumstance. Help is one click away, with a silent alert to bring your GWEN 5 to the rescue.
We are raising $15K to complete the build of this safety app. PLEASE DONATE today!
Who’s in your GWEN 5?
Check out the videos in this gallery that illustrate the alert.
Also, check out other GWEN programs to support!