January 20, 2018, was the Second Annual #WomensMarchLA2018.

I was proud to partake in another year of marching in the streets of Downtown Los Angeles to have our voices heard and to take action for getting out to vote and to encourage more women to get politically active. My book, Homeless to the White House is being released Spring 2018, so stay tuned for more information.

Pictured here are women representing different organizations while bringing the generations together with the daughters in our lives. (Naomi Stevens (daughter of Fonda Whitehead), Fonda Whitehead (LA Rescue Mission) Tess Cacciatore (Me) Linda Rendlemen (Women Like Us), Nina Paolocelli (GWEN Gal), her mom Jeanine White.


What is the Women’s March LA Foundation doing?

Women’s March LA Foundation is a women-led non-profit 501c3 organization created in 2016 by the producers of the historic Women’s March LA. Our mission is to bring attention to the struggles of marginalized communities and all attacks on human rights. At Women’s March LA Foundation we recognize that there is no true peace, freedom or inclusion without equity for all, and through education, canvassing, social media, and events, we activate our collective political power to bring about lasting social change.

What are we marching for?
Last year our message was “Hear our Voice” this year we have a defined call-to-action with “Hear our Vote”! In this crucial midterm election year, our collective voices can change the narrative by bringing out the vote in record numbers! Together we can bring #PowertothePolls

Is this a protest?
This is a Pro Peace, Pro Inclusivity Event focused on marginalized voices and the power of voting. Part of our resistance is focusing on how we will use our vote to create the future we want. We respectfully ask that “anti” sentiments are not the focus of this event. This does not mean that we don’t acknowledge the need or desire to feel anger and to protest. However, this is not the focus of this event. Thank you for your understanding.

#hearourvote #wmla2018 #firstwemarchthenwevote